Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Week 15 weigh in

I admit I was a bit nervous getting on the scales this week due to the amount of garbage that has entered my body of the last few day and the pre TTOTM bloat however I was pleasantly surprised to see 74.8kg that's a loss of 1.2kg which is confusing since I usually put on a kilo Pre TTOTM. But I'm not going to argue .....Take it as a win!

It is also WW 10% goal as took me 15 weeks though!

Only 11.8kg to go

I am feeling heaps better today...More energy and a lot happier.

I have previously crochet 3 blankets, one for each child however I have wanted to make myself one. I was never able to start off but last night I figured it out and have started my blanket, probably not a good idea as we are in spring as those things can get mighty heavy and hot sitting on your lap after a while but It keeps my hands busy at night. I didn't think of snacking after dinner....

Well that's all from me today :)


Leighanne said...

Congrats on a great loss - and making 10% goal as well!!
Doing something with your hands really helps with would not want to get the quilt dirty would you?
Have a great week!

Margaret said...

Congratulations on your great loss and on reaching your 10%. That is just fantastic.

I think it is a great idea to do something with your hands. I have knitted two scarves (which I never wore LOL) and need to be doing something. Other than eating :)

Have a great night

Mary said...

Well done Elisa!! This is awesome and I hope you reward yourself :-) 10% is a great achievement and you should be real proud. I think getting the first 10% is the hardest. Keeping your hands busy...great idea!

Me said...

WOOOHOOOOOOOOO on the loss and reaching your 10% goal - well done !
Good idea to get the crocheting out - definitley helps to curb the snacking !
Take care and have a great week !

Suzy said...

Well done on the fantastic loss! You are powering towards your goal!

jak said...

Congratulations on your fantastic loss and reaching your 10% goal, terrific stuff! :)