I cant help it...But I'm a sucker for romantic and feel good movies. I love happily ever after and I will actually come out of the closet and admit that I sometimes read the odd Mills & Boon....
I always thought when I was young and naive that there was someone out there for everyone, that one day that I would meet the man of my dreams and we would live happily ever after....
Well some one must have put the mocker on me!
After one failed marriage resulting in 2 beautiful girls and another failed relationship resulting in my gorgeous son. I have sworn off men!
So why am I so bloody lonely...
don't get me wrong, I love being single. I love it that I can do what I want, when I want. I don't have to justify my spending, actions or thoughts to anyone.
It is just sometimes like tonight I wonder what would it be like to have some one to come home to, some one to share the responsibility, heartache and satisfaction of raising 3 small children. Someone to love me.
Are there people out there that do have a so called perfect relationship...Is there a mister right out there or am I one of those people who are meant to be alone...
Even if there was someone out there for me, would they be willing to take on a woman with 3 small Children to 2 different father's...Come on my track record isn't too good.
Is there someone out there......
I will stop rambling and feeling sorry for my self. Instead I will go check my 3 angels that are sleeping soundly and count my lucky stars that they are safe.
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. Anon
1 comment:
HAve just come across your blog. I have been married for 18 years come December but I don't think that there is such a thing as a perfect relationship. It is all about ups and downs and you have to have the downs to appreciate the ups.
I have always looked at relationships from this point of view - does the person you are with make you happy more of the time than sad or the other way around. If they make you sad more often than happy - GET OUT !!!
I am experiencing being a single parent to a teenage daughter as my husband is currently working overseas. First for 4 1/2 weeks, he is on a 6 weeks stint at the moment and after coming back this time for a couple of weeks will be gone for another 7 weeks taking us up to Christmas - I have to say that I don't enjoy the single parent thing at all. I hate having to be the one organising everything - lifts, lunches, dinners, washing, two jobs, homework, shopping, cutting the grass and edges, gardening etc. I have absolutely no idea how you cope. Al is really good around the house and the garden and I miss him dreadfully.
You are doing really well with your weight loss - keep it up. Take care and have a great week !
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