Why is it we humans seem to sabotage ourselves when things are going good.
I finally hit 75.0kg YIPEE I have been eating right and drinking lots of water. So why is it as soon as I start loosing again I go and do a stupid thing like pig out at a BBQ.
There wasn't any healthy food to start with but I could of had just a sausage in bread....5 points
Instead I ended up having a sausage, bread, 2 hambugers, potato salad and 2 curried eggs.....I mean what the! I'm not even game to add up how many points in that lot.
Ok so I move on, new day....
all was good I had a light brekkie and soup for lunch...All good then I sit down and eat 5 little packets of chips....OH why did I do these stupid things...I have no self control
I need to re focus and stop making excuses of its almost TTOTM.....I will no longer let hormones rule my body. I AM IN CHARGE HERE - yeah right
Today is a brand new day of a new week....Moving forward
I understand completely where you are coming from. I have been doing the same recently have a couple of really good weeks and then just go berserk and suck up anything starchy that is unfortunate enough to get in front of my face. This is what I try to remember - a chinese proverb which says - fall down twice, get up three times (something like that) but the main thing is we keep going. Have a good week.
I have to agree with Leisa. I am in a bit of a self destruct mode at the moment - it is being able to start over that is the key to success.
Good luck - take care and be good
I love the last two paragraphs. It is true that TTOM can wreak havoc on our emotions and cause us to crave and want to eat things we normally would not want to. But this happens every month. You tell your body you are in charge - because you are. Your mind is stronger than your body.
But just in case, better make sure there are no chips or pretzels in the house ;)
You are doing so well, don't let these little blips get you down. You can do it. And we will be here to cheer you on every step of the way :)
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