Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Week 13 Weigh In

Ok 7.30 this morning I was lying in bed dreading getting up as I knew the scales were waiting for me...
I heaved my body out of bed and on I get.....open the eyes, open the eyes.....

0.5kg GAIN!!!!!!!

Ok it could have been worse, I just need to take a big breath in and look forward.

hope everyone else is having a great day

A big shot is a little shot that kept shooting. - unknown


Me said...

Sorry to hear about the gain - get back on track and it will be gone before you know it !
HAve a great week and take care !

Suzy said...

Just start again today and you will be OK.

Mary said...

No worries at all hon. This isn't too bad in the big scheme of things and you can lose it this week, easy. You know what to do and I have to do it too! :-)

jak said...

Sorry about the gain, but hey at least it was a small one. Here's to a loss next week! :)

Margaret said...

Good girl. Take a deep breath and head into the next week.

Hope you have a great day :)