Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursaday Thirteen #1

Thirteen Things about Me
My first Thursday Thirteen post so just some mind numbing facts about me

1.I love girly films.
I am a sucker for happily ever after.

2. I am a cat person
and don't like dogs.

3. I am scared of the dark.
I still think things go bump in the night.

4. I don't like monkeys.
I have never found them cute or interesting. I always walk straight past the monkey exhibits at the zoo.

5. I love mint slice biscuits.
I could and have sat down and eaten a whole packet in one sitting

6. I cannot sing.
I sound terrible, even my kids cant stand me singing to them

7. I love the colour green

8.I have 3 tattoos.
A mouse on my ankle, a gecko on my hip and a dragonfly on my shoulder.

9. I don't like deep water, or swimming.
I don't swim at the beach and wont go on a cruise ship.

10. I don't like talking to people on the phone that I don't know.

11. I am not a touchy feely person.
I don't like people invading my personal space.

12. I love to travel and to see new places.

13. I have always wanted to learn a foreign language.
Have tried but don't seem to have a ear for it.

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