Joel is 6 weeks old we went and had our 6 weekly check with the doctor. No stress just the are you feeling, any probs and the normal yearly girl check up.......
Oh no you have been a naughty girl, you didn't go for your follow up ultrasound and you still have the infection in your uterus.
To bring the point home my doctor even showed me the swab of green pus!.....
So I am back on the mega strong antibiotics and Joel is back off the boob.....we were just getting somewhere with that too....
So I am off Thursday to get that ultrasound done.....promise :)
And to top off the visit I have another melanoma that needs to be cut off my shoulder.
Ok so then it was Joel's turn and as he had been screaming the whole time while I was being seen to the doctor asked if this was normal for him, so I said yes, he hates lying down and wants to be up right and with people.
Well it seems that Joel has reflux and the doctor would like to try medication to see if this helps him......hmmmm never thought of reflux, I mean Eloise had a touch and I just had her bassinet on an angle and that helped.... Joel never vomits, he doesn't smell sicky - the normal tells .......we will try and see what happens...
So on we go with the exam, everything is going good until the Doc notices Joel hairy bum.....and I expain that all my kids including Megs had this as babies......
Well a large tuft of hair at the base of the spine can be a sign of spina bifeda and the doc would like the have him checked.....blood test and ultrasound.
Everything else is fine and we only need to have him checked if we are concerned (hello I already have a child with disabilities) and as the Doc explained even if something was there it would only be mild. Anyway I know nothing about spina bifeda so I guess some research is in order.
So it was just a weight and length to be measured and we were out of there....
Well my porky little lad now weighs 5.5kg and is 57cm long.....not bad considering the feeding dramas we have had over the last 6 he had put on 1.2kg and grown 4cm since birth.
But then I look at the above porky little lad and realize that he is only 200gm heavier and 1 cm longer than Matthew was at BIRTH !!!!!......
So off we go to pathology to get Joel a blood test (just a heel prick thankfully).....only to find out that the only place that does babies is in Subiaco!!!.......well that's not going to happen for a while.
So that was our eventful six week check up.....
1 comment:
Have you done any more about the blood test Elisa? When will you know about the SB?
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