Friday, June 20, 2008

A Not So Wicked Step Mother....

I am not talking about ME, I am wicked and nasty...

I am talking about Talia's and Eloise's step mother who I am so glateful that she is part of their lives. Every second weekend the girls go to their dads and they spend most of the time with her. Their dad works ALL the time so it is Sue that takes Eloise to her riding lesson, its Sue that takes them to the park and its Sue that took Eloise to her appoint the other day...and of course it will be Sue that will be with them 24/7 over the school holidays.

I think it is every seperated parents nightmare when the other person gets reamarried, the first thing that springs to mind is "what is she going to be like with my kids"is she going to be nice, nasty, jealous. You hear all sorts of horror stories and I am so grateful that we are not part of one.

I can honestly say that i feel comfortable to leave the girls with her, even more so than their dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE the new banner!
SO glad to hear that you are so comfortable with the girls' step mother!
Jen H
PS Cant imagine u being wicked and nasty!