Sunday, June 22, 2008

Im Doing A Happy Dance....

I am no longer a kitchen bitch......well only a part one now.
Yesterday Mum and George arrived in Perth to say goodbye before heading off to Queensland for a holiday and they always by the Quokka (buy, sell and swap classifies) so I had a quick look to see if they had any portable dishwashers in....and they did.

So I rang to enquire and spoke to a man who said all the things I wanted to hear...
- yes we still have it
-yes it has wheels so you can wheel it around
- yes it connects to the kitchen tap.....

and all for $150

So I said could I come have a look tomorrow.

This morning bright and early we left ALL the kids with Mum and went and had a look at this dishwasher. I didn't want to get my hopes up....

Well it was in excellent condition and better than either Darian or I expected....we bought it and put it in the back of the Ute. But still I hadn't seen it working...if it worked.

Bought it inside, connected it up and hoped for the best...and....

IT leaks, nothing...

insert happy dance here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

COOOOOOOOOL - I cannot imagine how many dishes you must have with all those kids!! Have fun with it!
Jen H