Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Week gone already

Gee time flies when you are having fun.....Right????

Well in the last week the battery problem didn't sort it self out. The people I bought the battery off came and replaced the battery on Wed and the car worked perfectly....But I didn't drive it as I didn't need to, however Matthew and I had an appointment at the day care at 2.30pm thurs arvo...I had plans on putting him in half day a week. Anyway on Thurs, I put Matthew in the car at 2.15 ready to drive off. NOTHING!!!!!!! Dead again...So out I get, pusher out, Matthew in and we power walked into town....We made it by 2.30....
The interview went well...He was to go back Monday for orientation- so that when I leave him on Friday (all day!) he will at least know some faces. So we walked home....It was hot too.
Went inside to call the battery people AGAIN to find that my phone is DEAD!!!!
I stormed across the road to a friends house to use her phone...Didn't think about the mobile as I was too angry...
Rang the battery people, they would come asap and then rang Telstra...They found a fault on the line and would be fixed by end of business on Monday...
By this stage I was wild as the plumber still had not turned up to fix the non flushable toilet....My day was just perfect....
8am Friday morning....The plumber turned up and we now have a working toilet...YAY and the battery man turned up and put in the 3rd battery...He thought that something was draining the battery and to take it to the mechanic to get him to look at it...I had checked to see that the interior lights were off and made sure that all the doors were closed. So off to Bendigo we go, as I was driving down to the mechanics I looked up to my review mirror and the two lights attached to that were on!!!!!!!! I felt like such a fool. I cant believe all this time that the 2 little lights were draining the battery....But I was glad that it was nothing more serious....
the weekend passed very quietly and Monday came around, it was time for Matthews orientation...We went in. The co-ordinator was not there and the second in charge was not there either, none of the staff who would be caring for my boy on Friday was there....What was the point???
So Matthew went off and played, he was having a great time and I stayed and watched how the kids were interacting and how the staff were with them....Some thing came very clear. A distinct lack of discipline with one of the children. This child hits, throws things, punches other children. It happened 5 times while I was there (half hour tops) and not one of the 3 carers who wittiness these occurrences did nothing.....I was appalled. I am not sure if the staff are scared as the child in question was the co-ordinators child or that there are no strategies in place. I did ask about discipline to one of the carers and she got really defensive, wanting to know why I wanted to know....So now I am in 2 minds about sending him....
Well that's my week....Hope you all had good ones

1 comment:

soovee said...

dontcha love those pesky little lights???!!! AT least it saved you a mechanics bill. As for the childcare, I was apprehensive about sending Bonnie to a centre (after family day care finished up), took BOTH of us a while to settle in - I didn't feel right at first and had trouble leaving her - but now she loves it, and so do I. Maybe they were all having a bad day????