1. First time you got kissed? Um it was a dare from a friend. I was 13 and it was Michelle"s boyfriend, Nathan was his name. He was 12 and short....I remember thinking OMG this is HER boyfriend and she wants me to kiss him...It was long and sloppy...Not an ideal first kiss
2. First time you drove a car: .... In my mums old white corona, I was 17 and we drove around a car park in Perth
3. First time you scrapbooked: May 2001, it was a CM party and I was invited to a get together and at the last min I was told to bring 3 photos as we were doing something crafty....And now 5 years later I hooked
First time you went on a date: ummm date....I cant remember an actual date but my first boyfriend was Sam and I was 14
5. First time you fell in love: Sad to say it was Karl.....Oh what did I see in him...He broke my heart at 16
6. First time you cooked for someone: For the above when I was 16....I hate cooking
7. First time you got on a plane: When I was very young...Would have to ask aunty Jenni for that?????
8.First time you shaved your legs: wasn't until I left home, I had VERY hairy legs (they used to call me tarantula at school when I was 7) Mum said I had to wait until I was 12 and I could wax them...I am not going to do the same with my girls...What is the big deal...Its only hair, it WILL grow back
9. First time you put on make up: Ummm I remember this vividly...I cant remember how old I was. It was when we all lived together in Craigie, so I must have been 7 or 8. I was in my sister Jenni's room and was using her make up....I got into HUGE trouble
10. First time you moved out of your home: I was 18 and I moved to a unit in South Perth, I shared with a girl I worked with. My rent was $65 a week
I tag Jenni
and Jacquie
will catch up with the rest of the news tomorrow
7. Your first airplane trip was to New Guinea 1982, I think.
9. You were 7 years old when you used my make up as I was 15, it was such a tragic look back then as it was the Farah Fawcet look, with blue eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush and the flicked back hair along with the Grease effect with the grease pants and boob tube. Not a pretty combination looking back at it now.
But didnt we fly from the north west when we moved to Perth in 79???
see I knew you would remember LOL
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