Well we survived the first day of school.....JUST
The day started perfect. I had set the alarm to go off at 7am so we would have all the time to get ready ect...
Both school bags were packed, uniforms on and Matthew ready.
Took the kids out side and proceeded to take lots of first day of school photos....Eloise started prep and Talia year 3, but at a new school and I had 2 very excited girls ready to get into the car and go....
So in we get, seatbelts on, smiles on faces and I turned the key......
Nothing, not a noise ....OMG what was I to do????
Why couldn't this happen any time in the last 5 weeks....Why the first day of school????
So I got the kids out of the car and called my sister....She lives 50kms away but luckily for us she was more than happy to rescue us.
So the girls finally got to school at 9.45am....better late than never!
Once the kids were at school we tried to jump the car....No luck....I was pretty miffed as the battery is only about 2 months old. So I took it back and as It was dead they replaced it for me.....
We put it in the car, crossed the fingers but only a tic tic tic...You know that sound when the battery is flat....
So it seems that the starter motor may have died....What to do now???
The girls are getting a lift to school with a friend which is fantastic, so I don't need to worry about them....
I hope everyone else had the first day of school run smoother than I.
Just what you needed - NOT. Well done for not going completely to pieces. The girls looked smashing in their uniforms :D
Hope tomorrow goes a little smoother for you
Awww, look! Your kids are gorgeous in their new uniforms - jumpers slightly too big so they will "grow into them"...ahhh, the good ol' days. I excelled at growing into my clothes; A+ all the way...oops!
Thanks for dropping by my blog and for leaving comments re my nanna's bday, lovely of you to do so, thanks :o)
Why do these things always happen at the most inopportune moments. Jenni is a gem isn't she. Glad it's all worked out now Elisa
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