Friday, February 17, 2006

One problem solved.....

My 7yo daughter has been quite testing lately....Not getting to sleep until 9.30-10pm, talking back and just being a little imp (putting this nicely). I sat down tonight with her to see if we could find out why this has been happening. This behavior is not like her at all, but she is the type of kid who worries about everything and bottles things up (gee don't know where she got that from.....) I bought her a diary thinking that she might like to write things down but she hasn't been doing this either... She says she does enough writing at school
I asked her if there was anything worrying her and it all come out in a flood of tears...She is worried about the move, where are we going to live, will her new school like her and surprisingly about the drive there....She wants to fly...
I said if she wanted to stay here in Rochy we would but she wants to move to Perth, but she wants to fly as she is worried about getting car sick.
So we are flying....This puts a spanner in the works but I can work around this. It is going to cost a bit more than driving due to the cost of the flights AND car transport, but a positive is that we can take the cats on the plane with us...Another worry of hers.
Well now that we are flying this means we have to go before Matthews 2nd birthday (otherwise I have to pay for him as well)....SORRY AUNTY JENNI.....I know you wanted us to stay for both Matthews and Eloises birthday.
I have to try and find a transport company that will take a transporters wont let you have anything in the car. I want to be able to pack the car to the rafters with all the crap that wont go in boxes.....Photo albums, computer, bedding...ect...
I need to try and remember the company that bought my car and stuff down from Kununurra....
So that's were we are at now....
And believe it or not Talia is now sound asleep.....

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Sounds like it will be a good thing when you are moved and settled. Hope your dear daughter feels better about things now you have organised to fly.
Good luck with it all and take care.