Woke up this morning and Sharon picked up Craig, Darian and myself in the Bakkie (pronounced Bukkie) what S.A call a 4 WD ute...or any ute and she took us to the Kragga Kamma game reserve which is a self drive reserve on the out skirts of PE....
It was first view of the native animals....It really hadn't sunk in that i was in another country until now. PE is very similar to Perth in many ways....
We saw lots of different kinds of Buck, Rhino, Wilder beast, giraffe and cheetah.
We went to the office area where for R20 each Darian and I were able to pat a cheetah. We were led into the cage where we were then told that there were two cheetahs in here and that the female is not so friendly. Just as the guide started to speak a cheetah by the fence got up and started to walk to wards us...it was HUGE..almost to my hip. As it got closer you could here it purring. it walked directly too me, rubbed its head against my leg and sat at my feet. " Duma" was hand raised and has even stared in his own movie...
It was that most amazing feeling, patting and rubbing this amazing animal. I think I was smiling all the way home. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would pat a cheetah.
Tonight we went and saw the minister where we went through the documentation and a quick run down of our vows...
Time is counting down....
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