Sunday, November 05, 2006

I have been badgered to update

Well where shall I start....hmm I might update over a few days as so much has happened.
Well at the end of the time in Vic came around very quick, the girls had their last day of school on Tuesday and they were a little sad to go. Which is understandable but were very excited about the plane flight and all. I managed to get them all into bed at a reasonable time.
Wed morn was an early start, I got up at 3.45 am so that I could get Molly in the cat carrier before she had the chance to escape outside. Miss found her asleep in Matthews room so she was put in the carrier before she knew what hit her. The rest of the kids awoke and we were packed and ready to go .....The trip down to Melb was interesting. Molly didn't cope to well with the car trip and i had to sedate her a half way.
We got to the airport with time to spare and we got all the bags etc checked in and by the time we walked up to the the departure lounge it was time to go....I had given Matthew some medicine to help with the plane trip as I wasn't sure how he would go with the noise and sitting still for 4 hours...

Well I needn't have worried as per usual he was a little angel, we managed to get onto a 747 and there were lots of seats spare so we could spread out a bit. The girls were happy as they had movies to watch. The trip went quick and easy I even managed to watch most of The lake house.
we landed and we met Avril ( my BIL mother) as she kindly offered to pick us up. We grabbed our bags and collected a very upset but drugged cat and headed off to the vet to drop her off.
It was so good to be back in WA, the air smells better and feels different. Perth has changed soo much since the 6 years that I left.
We dropped Molly off at the vet and drove to Jacquies house, Jac was at work so the kids and I had some quiet time. After lunch jac come home and we walked up to the school so that the kids could finally see each other and My girls could see the school and met the teachers before going the next day.
We have 6 very excited and happy kids in the house...All is well....

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