Thursday, August 25, 2005

OK everything will be alright!

After this last week or so of feeling really crappy, Im back to normal.
I even lost 0.5kg this week, so after 10 weeks I have lost a total of 6kg....I was at the begining hoping to loose a kilo a week, but realistically I know its not going to happen.
I am pretty happy with 6 kg...
Other than that the weather has been beautiful, all the spring flowers are comming out and I feel great.

I walked Eloise to Kinder and then home again..So all up I walked for an hour, I am hoping that it will help to shift that snickers bar I had in weakness yesterday.
The only thing wrong with my life at the moment is my 7 year old, who has a huge attitude at the moment. Im not sure what to do to fix it. I am hoping a family meeting tonight will help.
Hopefully we can sort out what is causing all the angst.
The two girls are fighting non stop at the moment. This is so unusual as they have always gotten along. I think a big problem is that they share a room and dont have any space to call their own...but other kids share a room. I know they are going to fight and bicker but its all gotten out of control. It is time to pull the reins in.
I have the inner strength to deal with this ....

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."


Leighanne said...

My two boys fight too - not quite sure what to do about it myself, and they have their own rooms!!

Margaret said...

Congrats on the loss this week. That is great. And 6kgs gone is 6kgs gone - no matter how you look at it ;)

Good luck with the family meeting and thank you for all your lovely comments.

jak said...

Congrats on the loss this week - and yay for 6kg gone!

My brother & I fought like cats and dogs as kids, I'm sure it must've drove our parents crazy. We had to share a room when we were quite young, I don't know that we fought any less when we got our own rooms, though! :)

Good luck with the family meeting.