Monday, August 22, 2005

I cant be bothered

I am writing this feeling like absolute shit!
I cant be bothered doing this anymore....Why cant I just be happy fat...
It all started with me getting down the boxes of kids clothes that I put aside for each season, spring is just around the corner and there is no time like the present for sorting out clothes. I also found a box of clothes of mine when I was a size 12, 2.5 years ago!
They all look so tiny.
I am so over this healthy eating, exercise thing!

I feel like such a blimp I'm not sure If I feel like this because its almost TTOTM or what...

So far today I have eaten

Bowl nutri grain and 2 coffees 3 points
1 egg, cheese and beetroot sandwich 5 points
2 choc chip ww biscuits 1 point
small bag chicken in a biskit 2 points
I lt water

I have weigh in tomorrow morn and I cant see a loss...

I want to start feeling good again....I need motivation!


Margaret said...

Hey Elisa. It was not that long ago that I finally sorted the old kids clothes out to pack and send to my sister. Most of them have been sitting around for 3 years (oops) and I too found a huge box of my "too small" clothes. The really pretty stuff is size 12 which there is no way I can get into to and some size 14, which I can pull on but not do up, and some 16 which is now really comfortable and even a bit big. Don't give up, you are so worth this journey, and if you read your last weigh in post you are so positive and happy.

Thank you so much for leaving such lovely comments on my blog. It has been very nice hearing from you again.

Will catch you tomorrow :)

jak said...

i echo the other ladies - you are worth it. i know what it's like having a bad day, feeling like it's all too hard and wanting to just go back to my old habits. i've given in to it a few times, too. but i just have to remind myself that i am worth the effort, that i will feel so much better when i'm fit and healthy.