I took these photos of Matthew and Talia yesterday. The kids were hot (we had 41 degrees) so I filled up the little toddler pool and the kids had a splash. Thankfully today was sooo much cooler and I was able to get some house work done.
Miss and Jenni came and stole Eloise away for a few days, so the house was so quiet this afternoon. I will go and pick her up on Sat and she will swap with Talia. I plan to totally clean out their room while each of them is away. It is amazing how quickly kids accumulate junk!
Matthew took a few more steps today, I think we are up to 5. He still does most of his movement in crawling. It seems funny watching him, I forget that he is 18 months old.....Where has the time gone???
I went and hired out Mr & Mrs Smith on DVD today and watched it tonight, it was really good and I must say that Mr Pitt was looking mighty fine indeed.
I have been really good with my eating today, Talia and I had steak and salad for dinner.
Wow Elisa you have done fantastic with your weight loss
The pic's of the kids are fab
Now you have been tagged
Copy and past this and change your answer to suit have fun
A is for age: 36
B is for booze of choice: None I used to love Ouzo (sp?) along time ago
C is for career: Scrapbook Store Owner and lovin it
D is for your dad's name: Russell
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Chips
F is forfavoritee song at the moment: HMMMMM too many to choose????
G is forfavoritee game: Any I can play with my family
H is for hometown: None I moved a few times
I is for instruments you play: Piano but not for a long time
J is for jam or jelly you like:yuckk
K is for kids: Natalii (12) and Jack (5)
L is for living arrangements: With the above 2 and my Dh - Gork and polly the love bird
M is for mum's name: Liz
N is for name of your crush: My DH
O is for overnight hospital stays: Too many to list
P is for phobias: Spiders EEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q is for quotes you like: Crop tiyahya drop then crop on the floor!!!!
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: My DH we are up for 19 years this year
S is for sexual preference: My Dh
U is for underwear: any that fit hahahahaha
V is for vegetable you love: all of them
W is for weekend plans: work and shopping for school uniforms
Y is for yummy food you make: rice, pasta, any foods yummy
Z is for zodiac sign: Virgo
Sue F - FORW
Gorgeous kids. If my curly hair looked like Talia's I would leave it down all the time.
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