Monday, October 10, 2005

Week 17

I have been feeling pretty BLAH for a week now, at first I thought it was because of all the crap food I have been bingeing on....But it still didn't stop me from eating more crap...I even stopped counting points but alas it was gastro....Talia now has it and I had to go get her from school after she threw up in front of the whole class.

I was expecting a huge gain on the scales this week due to my food indiscretions....But to my utter surprise I had a loss of 0.9 I am now a happy 73.7 kg
I am so close to half way and 10 kg that I can taste it....

I was reading "M" s post this morning and everything she said I came away thinking "yeah!" I totally agree. By the way "M " you look fantastic!!!!

I don't have a photo of me when I first started but here is the one I used for my profile shot...It was taken in June this year and even though I am wearing dark colours you can still tell how large I was...
I am going to have to get more photos taken of me...Not be so camera shy


Suzy said...

Well done on the loss! Hope your gastro has gone away. Half way! That's terrific. Will be great to see some more photos.

Melissa said...

Hello just passing through from Katey Weighty's blog..
Congrats on the loss I will add you to my links and catch up again at some stage.
Take acare

Mary said...

Sorry to hear that ou've been feeling ill but on the upside, great loss! Photos are a great way to show your progress. I only wish I took more of when I was much bigger but of course if any were taken, they are already destroyed. I hope you have a good week!

jak said...

Oh, how awful that you've been so ill! But yay on more weight loss! :) Looking forward to seeing some more shots of the new, smaller you! :)

Margaret said...

*blushes* Thanks

And how about you. Whooo Hoooo on the loss this week. That is really cool. Half way is so close now. Isn't it funny that the more we lose, the less shy we are of the camera ;)

Hope to see some new shots soon. Have a great day :)