Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm back

I was a bit lost there on the weight loss front for a while but I'm back.
I was reading someone's blog (I cant remember who's) and they were saying about not using kids illness or "I will start fresh nest Monday" as a excuse to not watch what you eat, or something like that because life will get in the way and what we are doing is a life change not just a diet.
So I have snapped out of my little slump of binge eating and not counting.

I'm back....Oh and reading the new WW mag also helped with the inspiration

I was also inspired by Slim Suzy ( how do you make the link here???) and her little list of questions and answers...I might go think on it a bit and answer tomorrow

Hope everyone is having a great night

Oh and thanks to everyone with regards to the bus thing....I am taking it all the way to the top!
The bus driver was at fault with his lack of duty of care and I never want another child to go through what Talia had to...Next time the out come might not be so happy


Mary said...

Great to hear you're back Elisa! The new mag is full of great stuff too. I love all the stories of *real* people. I hope you are having a really nice weekend :-)

Sue said...

Welcome back! To make the link: 1. Copy the web address you want to link to. 2. Highlight the word that is going to be yourlink. 3. Click on the link icon at the top of the window where you're writing your post. 4. Paste in the web address you copied.
Hope that made sense!

Suzy said...

Welcome back! Glad you are getting back on track.
Yes WW mag is great this month. Pity it doesn't come out monthly instead of every two months though.
That bus driver deserves to be in big trouble!

jak said...

WB Elisa! I must get myself the latest WW magazine, a few people have commented on it now, so I must check it out! :)