Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wii fit and confession time...hanging my head in shame :(

I rang around this morning and found what seems like the last Wii fit in the Northern Suburbs. I found it in Toys Us, they have totally sold out in Target, Kmart and EB Games.


But all is good that I now have one, Darian and I have been saying that we must get active and loose this weight that has been creeping up on us...yes I admit our diet has been shocking and the lack of exercise has a lot to do with it...I take fully responsibility for the .....wait for it.......10kg weight gain since Joel was born...I am now 10kg heavy now than I was at 39 weeks pregnant, this is so shameful.

But its out there going back.

Another confession....I am 86 kg.....hanging my head in shame...

Yes I know I said I would never get this heavy again but I have and now its time to do something about it...the longer I leave it the more weight I have to shift and the harder its going to get...

So I am going to track everything here on my blog. Hopefully this will help me.

I booted up the Wii fit and had a bit of fun for 30 min....they even got me to jog for 3 min....ha ha ha....

So day one

eating - yes I ate everything in sight including a chicken sandwich, some coloured pop corn.

exercise - 1 hour 20 min on Wii fit and playing gold and bowling on the Wii...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Leese for taking a stand. I am still too big, but am taking a stand this year too. About a month ago I sat down and wrote out a plan which so far I've stuck to! I think you need to sit down for this...I'm giving up coffee this year. I'm also going to reduce sweet treats and tea. Lots more as well, but not the place to write about it...
Feel free to email anytime and we can encourage each other.