Sunday, July 06, 2008

Happy Birthday Matthew

Today was Matthews birthday and he turned the 4. He is officially no longer a toddler. But in so many ways he still is.

The girls each gave him a set to play with his cars, he is really into "tunnels" at the moment so this was perfect.


Then out came Darian with a brand new bike, Matthew still can't peddle yet but with practice and the pedals hitting his shins he should get it in no time.


In the afternoon we organised a afternoon tea party and Aunty Jacquie and the kids came and Grandma and Grandpa came up from Mandurah.

Aunty Jacquie and the kids gave him a fantastic green mountain thingy with tunnels...happy boy


Grandma and Grandpa gave him a cricket set (which the girls took out side and started to play) and a new quilt cover and forklift.


After some chatting and eating we sang happy birthday and cut the cake. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera out but grandma got some shots and we took video.

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So once everyone said goodbye and went home I then drove Talia and Eloise to their dads house where they are staying for the holidays, came home and put a very tired but happy boy to bed.

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