Saturday, October 13, 2007

Matthews OT Review

Yesterday Matthew had his 6 month OT review. We had a new OT but that was OK. His name was Matthew as well and he was nice.
Well after 1 1/2 hours of playing games there is some great news and not so great news...
In lots of areas including, puzzles, block building , threading, joining and fun things like that Matthew has caught up. he is doing the same things that a normal 3 - 4 year old would do...
However because his fingers are so flexible his drawing and cutting skills are still well below his age range...but we can still work on it.

This is all good news as 6 months ago he was in the 12 - 18 month range for his skills, so all our hard work is paying off.

He has been put down for another block of treatment in the new year...

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