The baby measures around 3.5 cm from crown to rump and weighs about 5 grams (or 0.18 of an ounce). By now, the baby's complete body plan is laid down. The baby will continue to develop and grow for the remainder of the pregnancy.This week is somewhat of a landmark for the developing baby.By the end of this week all of the baby's major organs will be in place!
Bubs legs are now longer than their arms and large muscles have developed, forming thick bands of padding between their skin and underlying bones. The fingers and toes have separated and the tail has disappeared now
The baby's brain and nervous system are maturing and their muscles and nerves now work together to facilitate their first movements. The baby has taste and tooth buds at this point, which will continue to develop. The brain will continue to grow at an amazing rate and nearly a quarter of a million new neurons are produced every minute!
The baby has primitive reflexes and can respond to touch if stroked on the palm of their hands or the soles of their feet. At the moment the baby's movements are small, jerky and uncoordinated and far too small for me to feel them just yet.
The baby can open their jaw and stretch. Their body is now straighter and small ribs can be seen through their chest.
Their digestive system is developing rapidly.
The embryonic heart is completely developed. External genitalia are not apparent until next week, but a male's testes will already be producing testosterone.
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