The baby now measures around 2.5 cm from crown to rump and the webbing between it's fingers and toes has disappeared, creating separate digits. The baby's nail beds are starting to form, but actual nails are not present until they are about 20 weeks gestation.
The baby's heart has developed valves within their aorta and pulmonary blood vessels. These direct blood flow to and from their body and lungs, via their umbilical cord to my body. It's liver is now producing blood cells. This task will eventually be taken over by the baby's bone marrow, once their bones fully mature.
The baby's lungs are growing bronchi tunnels, which will eventually transport air after they are born. The baby's elbows, knees, wrists and ankles are developing. Their bones are initially soft and flexible (made of cartilage) and muscle tissue has begun forming between their skin and bones.
Their neck is more developed, allowing them to slightly lift and turn their head! They may even be able to touch their own face with their hands - the beginnings of thumb sucking!
The baby's ovaries or testes are now well developed. However, both sexes look the same at this early stage because their external sex organs are just beginning to form.
Only 10 more weeks to wait until we can see if baby is a boy or girl....yes we are going to find out.
Ohhh, I hope we are going to keep getting these little science lessons - I love it!
Love the pics too. Wonder if you will be able to upload your DVD of your ultrasound (don't they do them nowadays???? According to my kids, electricity wasn't even invented when I was pregnant with them it's so long ago).
Yes I am going to keep each week up dated up for as long as possible. Bit like a pregnancy diary. The kids love reading and listening about whats happening and what the baby looks like.
Same with the ultrasound, if thats possible too.
Congratulations Elisa and Darian. How exciting for you all. I will enjoy sharing your pregnancy through your blog
Wow look at those pictures. Love the diarz idea, looking forward to sharing the journez with zou. (sorrz for the zzzzz - stupid kezboard) love and hugs, chel
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