Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Huge Catch Up

Well the girls left on Friday .
We were to meet their dad at the departure lounge at 9am as the plane left at 10am. We made it with 5 min to spare....We left home at 6.30 and only just made it. Eloise was very nervous and really didn't want to go. Not that I blame her as she has only seen her dad 3 times in the last 5 1/2 years.
I said goodbye to the girls at the car as I knew if I stayed to long at the airport I would cry so I said that I would drop them at their dad and leave as this was his time with them. I also didn't want to be around him any longer than I had to. I was feeling pretty nervous about seeing him, it had been 4 years but I was relieved to see that he was FAT....I know that isn't nice..... But for a man who prides himself in how he looks and used to criticize me about every gram that I gained (or lost) this was a petty but small victory. I came away a much happier person.
The girls hugged me good bye and I am please to say that I didn't cry and we left.
My niece and I then drove to High Point ( A HUGE shopping centre in Melbourne) to do some serious shopping and eating....

I know I was naughty but we had pancakes for lunch, went to the chocolate bar for afternoon tea and Italian for dinner....Plus there was cheesecake at home waiting.

I managed to buy myself some new runners. At $200 I nearly choked at the price but if they get rid of the pain in my shins when I walk I will be eternally grateful.

So since Saturday the girls have rung and they are having a nice time, they were pretty pleased about having a queen bed and their own room each.

The house is VERY quiet and I miss them like crazy...My eyes burn every time I think of them.....Only 24 days till they come home......

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