We had a very quiet Easter without the girls, the Easter Bunny dropped off a Elegant Rabbit to Matthew during the night and he has been enjoying it....Takes after his mum in regards to Choccy.
The rest of the week past very uneventful until Tuesday...
Jen and I were heading down to Bendigo to do the fortnightly shop when only a few KM from home I noticed the temp gauge in the car was rising....Not normal for my car so I turned around to head back home when there was a almighty BANG under the bonnet...OH NO...I pulled straight over with my heart going ten to the dozen. I thought I had blown my engine ( the temp gauge hadn't gone over 3/4 mind you!)
So Jen stayed with the car and Matthew and I walked back to get her car from home...It was only 1km, the day continued being a pain with us unable to do most of the shopping due to road closures around Bendigo with the Easter Parade.
Good Ol Uncle Dave towed the car home that evening and had a quick look (the advantages of having a mechanic in the family) it was the top radiator hose blown as well as the belt for the water pump....So it would be a matter of fixing those to find out if any more damage had been done to the engine.
Wednesday Jen and I headed off to the doctor to get the annual flu jab (oh the joys of being a chronic asthmatic) normally a community nurse gives me mine but the doc had changed practices so he has it all at the surgery...Anyway he noticed a mark on my upper arm and asked how long it had been there....I wasn't sure, it wasn't a mole so I never took much notice. He went off to get the looky things they use and had a really good sticky beak. He then turned to me and said it has to be moved asap and do I have any more of these marks on my body. I said that I had quiet a few moles removed in my early 20's from my back, so he had another look and there was another one of these things in the middle of my back.....So I am back off on Monday to get them removed....
So last night Dave came home and replaced the hose and belt on my car and lucky it appears no other damage has been done .......Thank goodness
AND today is only THURSDAY!!!!!!!!
Happy belated Easter to you too :D
I hope that the marks are nothing to get too frightened about, even though the Dr wants them out immediately. With these things perhaps it is a matter of being safe rather than sorry.
I am glad the car is OK and won't need a new engine.
As to your other posts *hugs* I think you are at a cross roads in your life and you have been deeply thinking about a lot of things. I think you are a very strong woman to be raising your children and deep down you know you will be strong regardless of what it may do to a possible relationship in the future. Believe in yourself. Your children love you and know you are a good person. Believe those things in yourself and you will attract a man who will respect you and your family and wont be there to hurt you. *hugs*
all the best for Monday. It is not a nice thing to hear and although it is normal to do them as quickly as possible, it does make it more of a worry.
What a nuisance about the car. Hope all is well now.
Also hope you are OK after your visit to the Dr on Monday. Ouch! Much better to have them removed though.
Take care of yourself. xx
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