Friday, July 01, 2005

Feeling Flat

I have been feeling really flat and down today. I don't know why but I thought visiting my sister would help, and it did. I spent most of the time fixing up her computer.
I had 3 cups of ovaltine lite with real milk...yummmmm
I went via the IGA on the way home to get some milk and all I could smell was the cooked chickens....All I could think of was a hot chicken sandwich.....
I almost relented but I didn't....
It is 7.41 and I am ready for bed, Matthew is crying in his cot and both girls are awake....It has been one of those days!
I might wait until the kids are asleep and then go have a nice hot bath with a good book
Hopefully I will wake up tomorrow morning feeling a heap better

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Hope you feel better Elisa. And good on your for not relenting. It is tough but day by day you will make those choices and it does get a little easier. (Not much though - we just get stronger)

Have a lovely day :)