Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I'm SO Happy !!!!!

I reluctantly got on the scales this morning expecting to either be stable or put on some weight....Instead I lost

2.5 kg


I can do this.......

I am determined not to go back over 80kgs again....

Friday night is going to be a challenge as we are celebrating Matthews 1st Birthday and there will be lots of yummy things to eat.

but I am going to cut up some carrot, capsicum and celery for me to munch on...

after a few days of feeling yukky this is just great

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Well done Elisa. Whooo Hoooo. If you have the time, have a look on the weight watchers web site. In the forums there is a recipe section and heaps of lovely people have posted very low point snacks you can make for parties. Then you know you can have a variety but stick to a low point day.

Yippppppeeeeeee for your loss again.. Have a wonderful day :)