Saturday, July 09, 2005

Birthday Binge

I have been soooo naughty

Matthew had his first birthday party last night. I knew there would be yummy things like party pies, sausage rolls and cake so I bought a low fat dip to go with the celery and carrot sticks that I cut up so that I would not be tempted ......

I was going good....And then I thought....Just one!

Well it didn't stop there, I had a party pie, 3 cocktail franks and a piece of cake :(

I could have been happy with that until the mini wagonwheels came out and I had one of those as well!!!!!!

I have NO self control.....

I don't really feel bad as I could have eaten more and I will be back on track very soon.

It felt really good that my sister actually said she could notice the weight coming off :)

Tonight I am going to do some weights and I will feel better

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Happy Birthday for Matthew. Don't beat yourself up. 1st birthdays are very difficult. Kate has gone through it. I've got one in a couple of weeks. You are doing really well and 1 day is not going to turn back all the hard work. :)