Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update.....Don't fall over!

Ok so I admit I LOVE facebook and I spend way too much time on there, so much so that I have been neglecting my poor blog :(

I add new photos to my facebook page all the time and then I go and check my blog roll and every time I pass through my blog I say I must update it...another day goes past and so on...

So today I was twiddling my thumbs ignoring the washing machine beeping at me and the dishwasher that needs to be emptied and the bed that can't be made due to the HUGE pile of clothes that need to be put away before I can....I was bored so I made the over due decision to up date the blog

Now what to say, what has been happening that I need to up date....ummmm, ahhhhhhh

I took Joel in to pixie photo and had some photos taken, he wasn't being co-operative and didn't smile. I couldn't decide what photos to order so both Darian and I went back on his day off and ordered some....ahhh hemm...$240 later I nearly choked...OMG I am so glad we don't do this very often....though I would dearly love one of all 5 kids....who am I kidding...that will never happen.

So after coming home from Pixie photo I got the camera out and I took these


I love this photo, you can see his toothy pegs


And I love this even more, its not often that we get a face like this, or the chance to capture it on film. Which reminds me of getting the video camera out again...

I am going to pin the girls down and take some updated photos of them and write a post about them.....

So there I have done it....updated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! The blog LIVES!!!
Great photos.