Friday, January 16, 2009

Its Hot and I hurt

Wow its hot...

According to the Weather Channel is only 37.4 degrees out there but I know its going to get hotter. The kids and I ducked to Coles early this morning before it got too hot.

The pool guy came out yesterday to collect everything up to fix the pool, obnoxious little tit...He wanted to only take the cell not the whole chlorinator unit. I told him that the reason for the cell failure was due to the wires getting so hot (turning light blue to black) that the plastic around the cell melted causing the leak. He then told me that they are meant to get hot and did I try and "toggle" the leads so that they work. Oh hello the wires are that hot you cant touch them.....

So after a phone call to his boss he took the chlorinator (to be checked out) and will bring them back when every things is ok....

So its the middle of summer, we have a pool but cant swim. The kids are taking it pretty well considering.

For the last few days I have had really bad belly ache and I don't know why. Its not a stretched muscle kind of ache its more of a deep ache inside....its been 24 hours now and no relief....

So anyway I got on the Wii fit this morning for a weigh in, and according to it I have lost 4.8kg since Monday.....not possible so I waited until Darian had finished getting ready for work and weighed my self on our ensuite scales...according to them I am 87.2kg so only a loss of 400gms......I tend to believe the bathroom scales more than the Wii...

So today I have eaten well, I also hopped on the Wii fit and did 20 min of free step....managed 2200 steps and then I did 25 min yoga....

My tummy still hurts but I feel so much better for doing some exercise....

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Keep up the good work...any exercise is better than no exercise...
Same with the weight loss, a loss is better than a gain :)