Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A dissapointing outcome......

As many of you know we are renting, ah the joys. However our house is perfect for our needs however it is missing something that I believe EVERY house needs....a dishwasher.

Its also one of those houses that the kitchen is so small that it doesn't even have a dishwasher recess and no where to put a dishwasher even if we had one.

However with the up coming arrival of child number 5 and knowing how much time and energy I waste on dishes now I got thinking.....

A mobile dishwasher, I have seen them before, just a normal dishwasher that you hook up to the kitchen taps and when you don't need it just wheel it away....perfect solution for a family like us....

So I hunted around, looked on eBay...lots over in the eastern states but none here in Perth. Went to Hardly Normal and Retravison and found out that there is certain models that come with a mobile unit extra......however they have be superseded, the last ones made a year ago....

So its back to the drawing board, looking on eBay and in the quokka.......Now that I want one I wont be able to get one...how frustrating

So wish me luck in my hunt......

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