Yesterday I had my pre c-section meeting with the midwives who ran through what would happen, what time to turn up etc....I had to go have a blood test and needed to fast from midnight.
I remember eating dinner with my plate of food balanced on my huge tummy thinking that by this time tomorrow I will no longer have a big tummy but a beautiful baby boy!.....It all seemed surreal.
This morning we woke up at 5am, had a shower. I was starving but couldn't eat as our c-section was scheduled for 9 am.....we had to be on the ward at 7 am to be checked in.
By 7.15 I was gowned up ready and waiting in my room.......waiting waiting. the anesthetist came in and asked all his questions and went through the spinal and what it meant.
By 9.30 the orderly and midwife came in, gave Darian his scrubs to put on and away we went....I remember being slightly nervous but more calm than anything.
we waited in pre-op for a while while they checked name tags and paper work. I vaguely remember meeting the surgeon but don't remember her name. The next thing I know I am wheeled in and the anesthetist is putting in the drip and everyone around me was calm...Darian was able to stay by my side the whole time.
The spinal took the longest going in...and I remember getting cold and shivering. But Once the block started to work I was nice and warm...
I had a epidural with Matthew and felt nothing however with the block I could feel everything but no pain. At one stage I was giggling because It felt like I was being tickled from the inside.
The most amazing thing was that with agreement with the surgeon they pulled down the drapes and let both Darian and I see Joel being pulled out...I watched our son being born at 10.38 am...and the first thing he did was cry!....It was amazing.
They took him straight to the resus trolley but he didn't need suction or oxygen and got agpar scores of 9 and 10...
Darian then got to make his belly button and then Joel was wrapped up and given to dad for a cuddle, and then I got my first cuddle.
Joel Dennison Taylor weighs 4.28kg (9lb 7oz) and 53 cm long, his head circumference is 38cm
Once I was stitched up the 3 of us went to recovery and then finally to the ward....
The experience was so different to the emergency ......and I am so relieved that not only is our son healthy and beautiful but Darian was there to share it.
1 comment:
How excellent that you were able to see him born! Sounds like it was a lovely experience.
Congratulations again
Jen H
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