Tuesday, April 01, 2008

35 Weeks

Well we are officially on the home stretch. I didn't get to update after we saw the obstetrician so I will now...
We have a plan of sorts, If all goes well and bub cooperates we will be having a c-section on the 29th April at 39 weeks. They are fully booked the week before. After talking to the OB and discussing past birth history, baby size and the meaning of life we decided that this would be the best option for the baby and us. Not a decision taken lightly as no one wants to be cut open and the 6 weeks out of action is not ideal.
So my mum is coming to stay with the kids while I am in hospital and Darian will be on holidays for 3 weeks when his sister comes over from South Africa on the 10th May. So I will have someone home with me for the full 6 week recovery.

So as of today we only have 28 more days at the most until we meet our little man.

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