Saturday, January 13, 2007

Do you ever have one of those days????

Today I woke up feeling yuk, and I don't know why.
The kids went to bed night before last as planned. i actually had all 4 asleep before 8pm so they were much nicer to each other yesterday but again it was after 10pm last night that the girls went down...but on the greater scheme of things thats no biggie..

I feel drained emotionally and physically. there is no rhyme or reason for it.

So this morning I took all the kids to the park down the road for a play...before it got too hot (it is supposed to reach 36 today) I had realised that we had been housed bound for 4 days....and that getting the kids out in the fresh air running and playing would be good for them.

the girls also had their weekend visit with their dad postponed as his wifes pregnancy isn't going to well. Shes now 27 weeks, needs bed rest and a quiet house. The girls are upset as they are worried for the baby ( their first baby was born prem and didn't make it).

So that is my whine for the day...hopefully what ever is making me feel this way can bugger off...i hate feeling like this...

1 comment:

soovee said...

YES! We all have those days - hope you feel better tomorrow Elisa....