Well what a rollercoaster the last few weeks have been. The girls have settled into school really well. Talia is now, to my surprise, is doing accelerated maths. I wont fully know how they are doing until the reports come out in July.
On the down part my eldest sister has taken a turn for the worst and has admitted her self back into the psych ward. She suffers d\from Bi-Polar and it is so painful to watch someone you love go down hill. Now that she is there she is getting the help she needs, they are playing with her meds and hopefully she will be home soon.
they allowed her to go out for an hour yesterday with me, so that we could get our hair cut. Jenni is finally growing her hair longish and she has put a fantastic red colour through her hair.
I am also growing my hair as it has been short for the past 5 years. It is in that inbetween horrible stage and I wear it in a pony tail most of the time. So I said to my hairdresser Katie do something with it...And she did..
I love having it straight, for those who share the burden of curly hair with me would understand. Being able to run a hairbrush through or waking up without a rats nest....It only took about 10min to do but the downside is that as soon as it gets wet it will go back curly.
I might have to put a colour through soon to hide the ever increasing greys.
I have finally set up a savings acct or my moving acct so that I can get some money saved or I am not going anywhere. It is one of those accts that has no card and rewards you if you have withdrawals. I have done a few sums and I figured I will need about $6000.... I need to pull my finger out as I only have 6 months. We are planning on leaving at the end of Nov as Robbie Williams is playing in Perth on the 1st Dec and I sooooo want to go to that.
Matthew went and saw the child health nurse on Wed as I have been concerned with his lack of speech and other things. She has been monitoring him and wanted to see him before his 2nd birthday. Well his speech and gross motor skills are between 12 and 18 months and he has very basic comprehension. He will be getting his hearing tested within the next 3 weeks. Yesterday the nurse rang back as she had been thinking about Matthew and she wants to see him Monday week to get the ball rolling on early intivention. She has relieved my fears that there is nothing wrong with him except that he needs a little nudge in the right direction....
So that is my news all wrapped up .....
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