I cant believe it almost has been two weeks since the girls have come home. Things are still busy and the girls are back at East Loddon P-12 College. Talia is very happy to be back and Eloise is settling in very well. Eloise's teacher is Mr Leed who is VERY tall and looks rather amusing teaching all these tiny tots...But he relates to them very well. Talia is in a split class she has her old Prep teacher Mrs Vernon for her home room classes and Mr Smith for her literacy and numeracy block which I am happy with as Talia sometimes needs a firm push in regards to her concentration.
I finally got my stitches out on Tuesday after them being there for 2 weeks and driving me crazy, the results came back as the doctor suspected. Mild skin cancer is what he said...How you can get "mild cancer" is beyond me, however it is all gone and now I have to have 6 monthly skin checks for the rest of my life and make sure that I really cover up when I am out in the sun. Which I do anyway. So I am now officially a statistic....1 in 3 people will get skin cancer in their life.
Matthew is doing well, very happy that he has his sisters back to annoy and he is even saying a few more words...His latest is "nona" which is Connor. So all of his words are "oscar", "puppy", "bobby" he also says "thank you" and sometimes "Jen" and "Mum" and "bath. He has also learnt "wohoo" and to spin around. So things are progressing slowly. We are off to the Child Health Nurse next week as she wanted to asses him before his second birthday for his speech and if required to get the ball rolling for speech therapy.
So things are never boring around here :)
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