Monday, March 06, 2006

Plans have changed again!

What started it all off was that the kids and I stayed at Jenni's on Friday night as we had planned to leave early for the Murrabit markets on Sat morn...On the way up I was talking to Jen about my thoughts on moving in April as this would make the move a lot easier with only one child (the girls are going to Perth for a month) but this would leave me a lot short on the finances. I have had enough of my neighbours and I want out....
Then Jenni suggested that we move back in with her for the rest of the year, that way we could save heaps of money, get away from our nightmare neighbours and we could drive across the Nullabour at the end of the year together. This means we could do the Great Ocean Road and have heaps of money for the move, not having to limit the kids stuff etc....
The kids would go to East Loddon (which Talia started school at) and also Eloise could finished prep...
The only downside is that the kids and I would have to share a room and live out of suitcases for 7 months....But I would do anything to get away from the ferals next door...


Elisa said...

That is an unusual request, I have not really gone into any details on my blog due to privacy reasons. Why would you like to know?

Me said...

I hope the plan changes all come together the way that you want. Good luck for the move and whatever happens in the meantime.
Take care 1