Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Wohoo First One Down

I was nervous getting on the scales this morning. I knew if I hadn't lost any weight I would be disappointed and I know through this journey there will be some weeks that I wont loose any but today I wanted to start off on a high
So on I hop and YES Im down to 82.....
WOW what a feeling....I can do this only 22 to go

The kids and I did heaps of gardening today....I worked the rake really hard, even worked up a sweat...And made the shoulders burn.....But a good burn.

Well Im off to change my ticker.....


Margaret said...

Whooo Hoooo. Congratulations on your first kilo down. That is brilliant. And I love the little bee on your ticker.

You are doing really well.
Hope you have a great day today :)

missmegan1974 said...

Congratulations on your loss. That is just fantastic... How did you find your first week on the program?

:) Megan