Monday, June 27, 2005

Manic Monday

Well those plans of mine of eating regulary today went out the window this morning when I heard Spotlight were having a sale!
I fed the kids, had a coffee and we were out the door!

I thought well while we were in town I might as well get Matthew his birthday present!

So no breakfast as such but I walked and walked and walked!

I ended up having a Apple Cinnamon muffin and a reduced fat cappacino from the muffin break, I am yet to work out the points, for lunch -come- snack.

But other than that I was REALLY good walking past the food hall, looking at the roast dinners and hot was empowering to be able to just not give in to temptation.

I even bought my self some hand weights to help tone my arms and upper body....i have no excuse now.

So its a Ham, egg, cheese and salad wholemeal roll for dinner and a yoghurt

Weigh in tomorrow morning.....fingers crossed xxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Good luck with weigh in today. And well done to you for not giving in to the temptation that the food courts are. That is such a great thing to do.

Hope you have a fantastic day :)