Monday, February 08, 2010

Here comes the school bus


Matthew now takes the school bus to and from school. He gets picked up from out house at 7.34 am and dropped off again at 4.14pm. He is one of the first to get on and one of the last to get off.

It becomes quite a long day for him. In the morning he is given a small snack before going to class and in the afternoon he comes inside and the first thing he says is "mum I am hungry" He just loves it....

He races out side every morning to wait on the drive way and quivers when he sees it driving down the road...

1 comment:

Jen H said...

That's so cute that he quivers with excitement!! WOW How early do you have to be up to get him ready for the bus by that early - you poor thing!! He must sleep well at night - does he fall asleep on the bus? MY friend's daughter does!
Jen H