Tuesday, April 21, 2009

At the park

Eloise had her cast taken off this morning and apart from the arm looking thin and white all is good, once the muscle goes back to normal and she grows a bit it will look normal again. While we were there I had my flu shot and I also got Matthew done as well, he needs to go back in a month to have another.

Talia had to walk out of the room as she couldn't bare to watch...I spoke  to the doctor about Joel and it looks like he cant have the flu vaccine as he had a reaction to egg white, I made a pav the other night and gave him some, he came out with red dots around his eyes and mouth, I gave him some more the next morning  to see if it was the pav and it happened again.

So after the doctor I took the kids to the park to run off some energy, we are supposed to have thunderstorms tonight and rain...

At thepark

At the park 2

at the park 3

wachinng  the ducks

We badly need some rain.....

Once we left the park we went and got Eloise's hair cut. It needed a good wash and trim.

Eloise haircut


...she looks cute


Jen H said...

Yey that Eloise has got her cast off and wow she looks different with a fringe, compared to the recent photo.... and yes ...cute and cheeky too by the looks of the first photo!
Jen H

Jenni said...

wow Eloise is looking so grownup, she looks great with a fringe.