Friday, September 14, 2007

The last 2 weeks or so...

Well since getting home from South Africa we have settled into the ho hum of every day life again.

The girls were dropped off on the Saturday after we arrived, they were very happy to be home. I think Matthew was happy to have his sisters back too. No sign of Darian's suitcase so he rang the airport and they said it wasn't on that days plane and please be patient they nearly always turn up.

Sunday we spent showing the kids and mum and George photos and the wedding DVD. There was a knock on the door Sunday night and there was Darian's suitcase, intact and safe and sound.

Monday mum and George went home and My life went back to normal.

Wednesday Took Matthew to the doctor as he had developed a sore on his lip...turned out to be school sore, so antibiotics and quarantine...

Thursday I went into the city to Births, Deaths and Marriages to get a change of name certificate.
Our marriage is recognised by Australian law however our South African wedding certificate is not a legal document so I cant use it to change my name. So $150 later my name has legally changed

Just the fun of changing it everywhere now.

So there, I am up to date....


Shannan said...

Good to hear the suitcaser turned up. I bet the kids missed you heaps. I hope Matthews sores heal quickly. So, what does this mean your NEW name is??


Chel said...

I finally get a chance to read some blogs and yay! all your news is posted. You looked beautiful in your wedding dress and wow! I want to do that safari. Everything sounds so exciting and wonderful. Congratulations to you both. Love and Hugs, Chel