Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What the padeatrician said

This morning Matthew had his appoint with the hour and a half later we have some answers and some more questions..

Firstly he definaltly does not have any form of autism, thats the only definate...
Matthews problem solving skills and comprehension are at age level which rules out most of the nasty stuff and that is a relief, he can problem solve, listen and follows instructions and has a willingness to try at most activities.

If asked he can point to most items but is unable to verbalize which is probably due to his poor muscle tone. Which is another reason for his delay in fine and gross motor skills. The mind is willing and more than able, just the poor little body cant keep up.

So the paed wants a blood test to check the levels of muscle enzyme and iron levels (so we went and did that....poor little mite struggled a bit and now has a nasty bruise...) and he will be seen for OT, physio and speech.

The paed wants a review in 6 months to see if all the swimming lessons, gym and play group are making a difference...we will have to go on wait lists for the therapy.

He is also signing the forms for carers allowance for me, to help pay for all the swimming, gym and extra stuff that will help...

So thats where we are

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