Thursday, November 17, 2005

Who the hell was I kidding?????

I have put on some weight.....I still fit into my clothes. In fact I have pulled out all my size 12's from hiding and most of them fit, a few are a bit tight around the tummy but hey....Its the first time in 3 years.
Back to the weight gain.
After the getaway I was lulled into a false sense of security and I have found it really difficult to get back in to the swing of things. I popped on the scales Monday morning and 74.2kg was staring back at me ...Almost 1 kg gain. I have tried a number of times to start tracking but I am weak and end up eating something bad thinking to my self that I will start again tomorrow- seriously this time.....YEAH RIGHT!!!!!
I need help...
any suggestions on how to get motivated again would be greatly appreciated

Well that's enough whining from me...Thinking of you all


Margaret said...

I think it always is the way when we first take a break from tracking / blogging. We add little things to our meals. Add a snack here and there (and usually not of the good variety) and suddently BAM the weight is coming back on.

Perhaps revisiting the reasons why you want to get to the original goal weight, why you want to be healthier would be a good place to start with your motivation. I know that I need to do this too. Our children deserve us to be healthier. But we deserve it too.

I hope you have a great weekend Elisa, and hope to see you more often again :)

Suzy said...

Yes, get out all your information, slimming mags, original tracker and go through it and "get back to basics". You will be OK, just start again from today and think of how good it is to fit into those 12's and how you want to stay that way and not grow out of them.
Go for a long, brisk walk and drink lots of water too!