The baby weighs about 1.7kg (1,700 grams or 3 lbs 12 oz) and measures about 43 cm from head to toe (just under 17 inches).
He has now put on enough weight to make him look a little chubby! The fine hair that covered their entire body (called lanugo) disappears from his face, but remains on his body. Most unborn babies sleep about 90% of the time, in between short bursts of movement when awake (every 1 to 2 hours). It is common for babies to be active during the evenings, when their mother is trying to sleep, between 9pm and 1am!
This week marks an incredible milestone in baby's lung development. Before now, the air sacs and branches in baby's lungs were present but not functional. The lungs were not able to inflate properly. However, now there is surfactant being produced in baby's lungs. Surfactant prevents baby's lungs from collapsing outside of the uterus and the baby is able to take in air and breathe properly. The fetal ear is almost completely developed both inside and out. The baby can hear my voice and other familiar sounds that he will recognize after birth. He is putting on white fat under the skin and the skin's color is pink instead of red at this point. His fingernails have grown to the end of his fingers and he may scratch herself while he is in the womb.
Well we are down to the single digit countdown and I cant wait. Only 6 weeks until our size ultrasound and then things will start to happen. I am having trouble sleeping with the pain in my back and hips but I know I will have even less sleep when he is out :)
We have had confirmation from our Real estate agent that we can sign for another year, so this is good moving house for another year...great relief...
and my husband has organized broadband for me :)....this has been an on going saga as before we couldn't have it because we would loose our international rates to South Africa and that was more important. I can live with dial up....but good news is that they have changed their policy and now we can have both....just waiting for the modem to be sent out....10 to 14 very long working days....