I have been neglecting my blog lately, does anybody read it anyway????
So I am 19 weeks and 3 days pregnant. All is going well and my belly has seemed to stop growing a bit so I don't feel HUGE for my dates anymore. Darian and I went and had the anatomy scan on Monday and everything is looking good and bubs is healthy.
The big news is that it is a BOY.....
We were not bothered what sex the baby was as long as it was healthy but knowing makes it easier to but for and the kids can now talk to their brother....all the girls wanted a brother so they are happy. Matthew is in his own little world so I guess he doesn't really care.
I finally went and had my hair cut and coloured on Wed, its only been about 9 months since I had a hair cut. It turned out ok. Darian and I went to his work Christmas function that night at the Left Bank Fremantle so getting out and about without the kids was nice. Mum came up for a few days and baby sat for us.
Other than that the kids have finished school for the year, their last day was yesterday and I have enroll led them into the local school next year which is walking distance. Eloise was a bit sad about leaving her old school so I am hoping she will be happy next year.
So that's been the last few weeks in a nut shell I will try and keep up with the weekly baby updates too :)
Well, I read it and that's all that matters LOL.
You are looking lovely Elisa. Marriage and pregnancy obviously agree with you.
Kids are very adaptable so I'm sure the girls will be fine at their new school
And I read it too and I also second Pam's comment about how well you are looking!
Jen H
I also read it Elisa, may not comment alot but have to say Congratulations on the pregnancy! You are looking well... like pam said marriage and pregnancy obviously agree with you.
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