Last night Darian and I went to the Annual Gala dinner for the pool and spa industry at the Burswood Casino. The company he works for was presenting an award so we got to go eat and drink to our hearts content.
It was also a dry run for mum to look after Matthew and everything went well.
Mum is now staying with us so that Matthew can get to know her and vice versa....
Only 5 days to go....
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
One week to go......
WOW 7 days.
I know I have been slack and it has been ages since I have done a "real" post. I will try and do that later today.
I know I have been slack and it has been ages since I have done a "real" post. I will try and do that later today.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
2 Weeks today
Wow I cant believe two weeks today...well, tonight we will be flying.
Yesterday at the zoo I was looking at the lions thinking that in 3 weeks I will hopefully be looking at them in the wild, I am sure that they wont be as fat and content as the ones in the zoo.
Yesterday at the zoo I was looking at the lions thinking that in 3 weeks I will hopefully be looking at them in the wild, I am sure that they wont be as fat and content as the ones in the zoo.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
We're all going to the zoo today.....

This morning I surprised the kids with a train ride. We parked the car at Clarkson train station and got on. On the way I told the kids we were meeting Auntie Jacquie and the kids and that we were taking the train, bus and ferry to the Perth Zoo....
I then had some very happy and excited kids. It took us 2 hours to get there...cant rush these things but as the weather became steadily worse during the day we were mighty glad we didn't drive.
We were lucky enough not to get rained on until we stopped and fed the kids, and then it came down....and down and down...
We saw almost all the animals except for the Aussie exhibit and before heading home we visited the zoo shop.
We all got a little wet on the walk to the ferry, but once you get wet you cant get any wetter.
The best time to visit the zoo is when it is raining as the crowds stay away and because its nice and quiet and cool most of the animals come out.
we all had a wonderful day.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Eloise

My baby girl has turned 7....Wow ...
The girls were at their dads this weekend, so I didn't get to say "Happy Birthday" until 5pm....
She had a wonderful day with her dad as they went to see Shrek 3 at the movies.
Eloise opened her presents and got some gorgeous riding boots from Aunty Cherise and 6 Horse Riding lessons from Nana and Poppee (aunty as well). I don't think Eloise really understands what it means but once it sinks in....
Talia bought her a Kerplunk game and Matthew got her a new Veggie Tales DVD. Darian and I got her a roller case for a school bag...she has been wanting one for ages but as i was wrapping it i noticed that one of the wheels were missing so we have to replace it.....
By the time we got to cake, she was very tired and Talia helped to blow out the candles which resulted in tears, so we had to relight them and do it all over again.
My mum turned up just in time as she was staying the night with us.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Kids Play....

So after we fed the ducks and Matthew chased some crows away I took the girls to the little stream that runs through the park.
When I told them that the park had no play equipment they looked at me strange but once they got the hang of getting down and dirty in the water they all had a great time building dams and clearing the water so that it ran freely...
We spent about 3 hours just playing in the water
Feeding the Ducks.....
Friday, July 06, 2007
Happy Birthday Matthew

My baby boy turns 3 today!
We had a small family party to celebrate. Matthew still doesn't really understand the whole unwrapping of the present thing and when I bought the cake out he was almost going to cry.
He got some farm animals from Gran, a veggie tales DVD from Talia, a new leap pad book from Eloise and Some Thomas trains from Megan. Darian and I gave him an extension on his Thomas train set.
So my poor little boy with his virus and sore eye had a good birthday
Thursday, July 05, 2007
In the wars....

Poor Matthew, he has been feeling crook all day.
This morning Eloise's class had their assembly (naughty mummy forgot her camera) she was a crazy carrot and they sung about the goodness of fruit and water. All parents were invited after for coffee and I went down, had a cupper and gave Matthew a scotch finger biscuit broken in half. He ate one half and held on to the other.
After saying good bye to Eloise we went to do the grocery shopping....yukky at the best of time, even more so when Kmart are having their HUGE toy sale....we managed to get all the shopping done and Matthew still had a hold of his biscuit...poor boy was not well...
So we got home and I put play school on the TV and he laid on the couch and went to sleep. I had to wake him up to go get the girls from school.
So we got the girls from school, came inside and Matthew went to the couch and laid down again, so Eloise went off to clean his room for me and I went and folded some washing, the next thing I heard was a big bang and a scream of a little boy. The next thing I heard was Talia screaming "MUM Matthew is bleeding"...
He had fallen off the couch and some how split his left eye brow open. OK it needed to be looked at so I bundled the kids into the car and off to the doctor.
Luckily they put us straight to the treatment room and the nurse had a look and said the doctor needed to see him.
The doctor came in and said that the best option would be to super glue it....
That went OK Matthew freaked a bit with the doctor and nurse holding him down, and because Matthew was crying Eloise got a bit upset too.
So he has super glue and tape on his eye which is to stay there until it falls off, if he rips it off it will need to be stitched and that means putting him under....we don't want that...
So the poor little man is not only suffering from a viral infection he also has a sore head.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
All I want for Christmas.....

Matthew was a very sick little boy yesterday, in fact he spent most of the day laying on the couch watching play school. Nothing serious, just a high fever and that dreaded cough that he has been battling with is worse. So we are off to the doctor tomorrow.
So because Matthew was not well I got the girls to meet me at the car after school instead of Matthew and I walking to the class rooms to get them.
So Eloise opens the car door and pulls out of her pocket a piece of cardboard and attached with sticky tape is her front tooth...I didn't even know it was now she looks extra cute...the other one is starting to grow down already.
So today Matthew was feeling better so we were off to an OT appoint where she was very impressed with his pincer grip, he was able to pinch 2 pegs onto cardboard all by himself. the other 6 he needed help as his muscles fatigue easily....but this is a huge improvement.
He then tried some cutting (which he was better with his left hand than right today) and then he did some painting and finally he stuck his finger in the paint and put it on the crown that he made....
we are seeing improvements all the time...
All so today I had my wedding dress fitting....all the chocolate I have been eating hasn't made a difference (sigh of relief) and the dress needs to be taken in and up...
So I am back in a month to pick it up...which is only 3 days before we fly so I hope all the alterations are OK...
Then tonight Talia had her wind up for guides...they went to the movies and watched "Bridge to Terabithia" excuse the spelling please...
well that was today and yesterday....
I'm off to bed as it is cold, wet and windy out side so i might snuggle up in bed with a good book..
Sunday, July 01, 2007
The days a going quick
This week has been a blur. I have become addicted to Big Brother....yes I never thought I would and the week goes so quick that before I blink again its Friday night games..
Thursday the girls bought their school reports home, they are both doing sooo well. I am so proud of them. I have been told that Talia has quite a Talent for art so i am going to look into some after school activities for her.
Eloise is loving acrobatics, she has taken to it like a duck to water....
Thursday Darian went to Kalgoorlie for the day for work and then its Friday again....
yesterday I went and had afternoon at Matthews grandmas, even they have noticed an improvement in his speech.
Now its Sunday and its cold, windy and nice and wet...
Thursday the girls bought their school reports home, they are both doing sooo well. I am so proud of them. I have been told that Talia has quite a Talent for art so i am going to look into some after school activities for her.
Eloise is loving acrobatics, she has taken to it like a duck to water....
Thursday Darian went to Kalgoorlie for the day for work and then its Friday again....
yesterday I went and had afternoon at Matthews grandmas, even they have noticed an improvement in his speech.
Now its Sunday and its cold, windy and nice and wet...
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