Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A day at sovereign Hill

I had been using star charts with the girls as a reward, also to coerce Eloise to eat her dinner. At the end of the week if they had a certain amount of stars I would take them to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. A reconstructed gold mining town from the 1850's. During the school holidays they were going to have snow making machines in the main street so it all depended on the weather being fine. Ballarat is know for being cold and wet.

Well Sunday morning came and the girls had earned their required stars and were very excited so I thought what the heck. Bundled the kids up warm and headed off for the 3 plus hour drive (also being a test run for the Nullabour) Half way there I realized that I had forgotten the pusher and there was no way I was going back! Miss and I would just have to carry Matthew.

We got there in 2 hours with the kids fighting the whole way. Then I realized that the whole place was built on the side of a hill and we were going to have to lug a 12kg toddler up and down those hills. There was quite a line up out the door and it was cold but sunny.

Thankfully for our arms there were hire pushers and the cost of our tickets included a return visit. The first thing Eloise saw were the horses pulling the carriages so I told her the last thing we would do is have a carriage ride. I knew otherwise she would be side tracked by horses if we went on one now and thought it would be a loverly finish to the day.

We had a terrific time. The girls got to dip candles, watch lolly making, we watched a $50 000 gold pour, went down a mine (we are saving the large mine tour for next time) visited all the old shops and we waited in the main street and 1pm for the snow.......Well technically it did look like snow however it was just fine bubbles (it was cold enough for real snow) but the kids loved it.

We went down to the little stream and panned for some gold. I managed to find a speck so I secretly put it in Eloise's pan so that she could find some but it got away...So much for luck.

I was getting close to home time so we walked up to where the carriage rides left only to find out that we had missed the last one of the day by 5 minutes....Well poor Eloises face, the poor kid was devastated and I was the worst mother on the face of the earth. The whole day she had been waiting patiently (well as much as a 5yo that is horse mad can) and I had let her down.

So I have promised and crossed my heart that next school holidays when we return that the fist thing we will do is go on a carriage ride.

We left and had McDonald's for dinner then drove home in silence as all 3 kids were asleep.

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