It has been a long time between posts but I have been a bit under the weather emotionally. This week started good I have had my car fixed, the timing chain has been replaced and it was running like a dream and then the starter motor started to play up.....Great I have just finished up paying for the last lot of repairs ($600....Cheap) So I am again I am without a car and I truly believe yet again I have bought a lemon. I am seriously thinking of putting it on a car carrier and flying over to Perth just in case it doesn't make it across the Nullabour. I will just have to wait and see.
So it is still at the start of the week.....Then the phone goes and according to Telstra it wont be back on until for a few days.....No biggie just a pain in the ass.
Tuesday the power started surging in and out and then we ran out of water. For those of you lucky people who live in civilization who turn on a tap and have a constant supply of water please count your lucky stars. We are on tank water....And it hasn't been raining.....So no washing, no showers .....Nothing but drinking water for 3 days. Easily fixed we just called a water tanker (the phone was back on) and for $180 our tanks are now 3/4 full. The next morning it started to rain and we have received 20ml of rain.
But that's not the end of it. We now have water and as we all went to have a shower...Gee wizz no hot water!!!!!
We are now out of gas. So another $88 and a phone call to the local general store and a gas bottle was delivered. So crossed fingers we have phone, electricity, water and gas....Life is now sweet.
So putting it midly this week has been a bit stressful and as I ususally do I bottle it all up. Since getting out of hospital Jen has only been able to do basic tasks (if that some days) but good ol me has taken up the slack. Miss and I have been taking in turns with cooking and dishes (Talia has been drying them most nights) but as for everything else it has been left to me. It has been like looking after 3 extra children. Ok if I wasn't living here I would be doing it all anyway but there is 3 other adults living in this house.
So when Jen, the kids and I got home from shopping yesterday and yet again I was left to put away the shopping (with help from Jen) that I shopped for with the list that I had to make. I snapped and said apart from cooking and dishes when it is my turn I am going on strike. Well that didn't go down well with Miss and it ended in a screaming match....Yes very childish I know but I have been ready to fall apart for some time now and something had to give. So I am sitting here this morning and all I have to do is cook dinner tonight and do some washing.... No feeding animals, no getting firewood, no cleaning out the fire place, no floors or cleaning bathroom, laundry, bathroom, toilet, kitchen, the list goes on.....Simple you may say but you have no idea how much clutter and mess 3 kids and 4 adults make.
So I admit I have been extremely childish and I could of handled it better but I am going to TRY and stick to my guns and have a month of , I am just a bit worried that Jen will try and do too much. I am worried about the extra stress I have now caused her.
So If you have gotten this far you need a medal but some good news is that there have been more Robbie tickets released so maybe we are in for a chance this time. The last lot sold out in 8 min....Wish us luck....Something has to go right.